Рецепт (меня)
Schneewittchenium is an opaque, oily peach liquid leeched from the flesh of a wildcat.
Mara Nigtmarellium is an opaque, acidic opalescent liquid made from the flesh of a bandersnatch.
Mixing Schneewittchenium with Mara Nigtmarellium causes a violent chemical reaction, producing an opaque black potion which gives the user protection from evil.
Schneewittchenium is an opaque, oily peach liquid leeched from the flesh of a wildcat.
Mara Nigtmarellium is an opaque, acidic opalescent liquid made from the flesh of a bandersnatch.
Mixing Schneewittchenium with Mara Nigtmarellium causes a violent chemical reaction, producing an opaque black potion which gives the user protection from evil.
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