Кога Юн, конечно, нехорошая женщина - глава в 12 страниц скорее похожа на отмазку, чем на честную работу на проектом, но сюжет она не тормозит. Рицка все-таки не маленький идиот и сделал совершенно верный, правильный выбор. За который я его, как шиппер, страшно уважаю.
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Color Page Text: I wish I had met Ritsuka when I was in Elementary School. We might not have become friends, but that would have been okay.
(Page 2)
Seimei: Ritsuka, if you love me...
Seimei: will you give me everything?
Seimei: Will you sacrifice everything to me?
Seimei: Isn’t that...
Seimei: what people who love each other do?
(Page 3)
Ritsuka: .......
Ritsuka: That’s not true.
Ritsuka: Seimei, that’s...
Ritsuka: I don’t feel like that’s true.
Seimei: What? That isn’t what loving someone is?
Seimei: Ritsuka doesn’t forgive me?
(Page 4)
Ritsuka: I forgive you! But...
Ritsuka: That doesn’t mean that you can just do anything. If you do something bad, I’ll be angry.
Ritsuka: I... forgive you, but I’m angry.
Ritsuka: I believe in Seimei... but having someone you believe in trick and betray you…
Ritsuka: is an awful thing...
(Page 4)
Ritsuka: Soubi... believes in you too! Being frightened and hurt by someone you trust is...
Ritsuka: an awful thing.
Ritsuka: That is... I... don’t want to belong to anyone!
Ritsuka: I belong to me... so...
Seimei: Ritsuka... are you really sure?
Seimei: Even though you said this was a serious game?
Seimei: Even though I said that words spoken just once can’t be taken back?
(Page 5)
Seimei: That is your answer!
Ritsuka: I...
Ritsuka: I’m not wrong. I...
Ritsuka: I... I forgive Seimei!
Ritsuka: I’m mad at Seimei!!
(Page 6)
Ritsuka: He said that...words are bullets but...
Ritsuka: that might actually be true. When he said those words, for the first time...
Ritsuka: I realized my own anger.
Ritsuka: Seimei was deceiving me. Somehow... I’m sad.
Ritsuka: But he’s alive... and we met again... so at the same time...
Ritsuka: I’m happy.
(Page 7)
Ritsuka: I...
Ritsuka: forgive Seimei. And I’m angry with him.
Ritsuka: I want to accept him. And I want to refuse him.
Ritsuka: Two completely different feelings in the same body.
Soubi: Seimei... don’t torture Ritsuka.
(Page 8)
Seimei: Be quiet.
Soubi: Don’t make Ritsuka afraid of you.
Seimei: Ritsuka is not afraid of me. Unlike you!
Seimei: Even though I told you to be quiet you opened your mouth.
Seimei: I won’t forgive you!
Soubi: Ritsuka...
Soubi: Don’t think that Seimei’s words only are the truth.
Side Text: Soubi is forcing a divide between Seimei and Ritsuka...Скачать главу можно
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