Внятных спойлеров к самой главе пока что нет, но вывесили нечто не менее интресное, а именно цветную вкладку и топ-10 самых любимых персонажей в Японии. На первом месте у нас Снежок-тайчо, на втором - Рукия, а на третьем - Ичиго. Улькиорра замыкает десятку, Кира следует за ним, а Гриммджо дышит в затылок Ичиго. Что меня удивило, так это отсутствие в десятке Гина с Заэлем и присутствие там Хинамори.
Чудны дела твои, господи...
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10 Ulquiorra
9 Kira
8 Inoue
7 Byakuya
6 Hinamori
5 Ishida
4 Grimmjow
3 Ichigo
2 Rukia
1 Hitsugaya
40th place Kon
He said 11 onwards will be in the next bleach volume..
In the actual chapter:
Nnoitra is attacking Kenpachi with a smile on his face..
Kenpachi see's/goes through Nnoitra's left eye.Upd. Elruu , ты зря говорила, что Кубо - ленивый. Он не ленивый, просто разделил Топ-10 на две группы. К слову, вторая получилась вроде бы симпатичной, но я не совсем согласна с чибикообразным Улькиоррой. Бедный мальчик, все его обижают.
Кроме несчастного Ульки в новом Бличе присутствует окончательно шокированный поведением Пятого Зараки. Кубо над нами просто издевается по-моему - эдак можно подумать, что Нойтора Кенпачика прибьет. Но ведь хрен!
Что касается Заэля, то о нем предположительно надолго забыли, про трупьи ноги из предыдущей главы тоже ни слова. Зато есть фансервис для фанатов Исида/Нему... хороший такой фансервис, в стиле Рангику.
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Bleach 307: Bite it and Slash it
Continues from last chapter, Mayuri was starting to heal Ishida. But Ishida was screaming because he thought Mayuri was about to do some experiment on him. He couldn’t move because of the injuries and Nemu was holding his shoulders. Mayuri was telling not to whine and Ishida should thank him for healing him for free. Ishida yelled back that Mayuri was going to do something weird to him.
However before Ishida could protest anymore, Nemu asked him to be quiet and leaned forward which caused her breasts to be right on Ishida’s face. Now Ishida couldn’t say anything except sounding like he’s suffocating. “Good, Nemu. Just shut him up. It doesn’t matter if he dies.” Then he pulled out a needle which filled with weird liquid. But Renji called Mayuri asking him to heal his injuries first. He said his friends are fighting espada level enemies. He needed to rush and help them. Mayuri refused and told him Ichigo’s side has Kenpachi to help them. “You should know better those are beasts over there. If you interfered, you’ll just end up being eaten. That is the most foolish way to die. Don’t you think so?”
A scene cuts to Kenpachi fighting Nnoitora. They were fighting until Nnoitora fell and was about to get stab on the head. He managed to escape and Kenpachi said, “You dodged? If you dodged it must because it was dangerous. You said shinigami’s sword couldn’t cut you. But it seems like there is a place that could be.
Nnoitora laughed and said it was the fighting instinct. He continued and said there was no where Kenpachi could cut him. He then threw a scythe at Kenpachi but he caught it and said, “There were lots like you in Soul Society. Those annoying fools who kept saying they won’t get cut. But I never see one who could escape the stab on the neck or the eyes!” With that Kenpachi stabbed Nnoitora’s eyes. Ichigo and Orihime who were watching the fight were shocked to see it.
However, Nnoitora said, “I told you so many times. Don’t you get it?” And he cut Kenpachi’s chest.
Upd. Под катом странички из новой главы. Ничего особенно примечательного в них нет, разве что у Маюри шприц зачетный и ситуация с Нойторой все больше начинает напомнить, как подметила в камментах
Valemora, вот этот
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